Eight Hundred Grapes Review

“Eight Hundred Grapes” Review: img_1938

Hello book-lovers! Im sorry ive been gone for so long but ive had alot of exciting things happen for one  I had the honor of reviewing Ecolobooks romance box as well as the book that came with it; Eight Hundred Grapes by Laura Dave! This is a “non-spoiler” review, and I hope you all enjoy! 🙂 


I went into this book somewhat blindly, I only read the first couple of lines from the back of the book. In my opinion, reading this book knowing little to nothing is the best way to go. But even before reading the book just by looking at the cover and title you can tell its going to be a romance. But what you don’t expect from this book is a heart felt, plot twisting and VERY family driven story. Notice I did not say “love” story. Even though this book to me would be an amazing “Hallmark” movie its not your average “Hallmark” movie. It wont suffocate you with insta-love or an overbearing gushy story that just does not seem real  or believable. What it will give you is an “synchronization story” that everything that happens in the story falls into place. Not fate, not at all, just synchronization. So yes it is a love story its just not the one you think you would get lol if that makes sense.  I did enjoy this book very much though, its the type of guilty pleasure you can read alone or with your chatty book club. When it came to the characters, (especially the main character “Georgia”) they all where VERY realistic! Which is a blessing and a curse in my opinion. I say that because, as readers we want all the characters to feel “real” (duhh), but the down part is that they make very real and relatable choices which could give you “Aww” moments and “ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!!!” moments (emotional rollercoaster type of “feels” lol). I gave this book a four out of five stars because this book certainly gave me more than I expected it to.  From the crazy beginning, to a very much secretive middle, onto a plot twisting yet satisfying end.The other joy about this book is that it can be read at any time of the year and you will still have the same feelings for it, which is perfect especially if you’re in a reading slump! The only reason why I gave this book four stars instead of five, is because at the end I was completely satisfied! I know what you’re thinking, “JaNae isn’t that a good thing?” Maybe for some readers, but for me, I like all my “‘main” questions answered but I need a little something at the end that leaves me guessing. All around though this book gets a ” JheartLOVED” rating, and it was a fabulous pick for a Romance box. So I want to thank Ecolobooks for sending me their delicious box to review that came with a devouring read! I hope you all have a great day and remember ❤ Always Love Your Books ❤